Visit Egypt's Ancient Wonders with your Gallivanter Travel host, Debbie Rains

“It’s my pleasure to guide you on a luxury journey of Egypt’s mystery and wonders all from the safety and comfort of a Viking cruise ship.”

The Gallivanter Vol.142 – Meet the Grannies

Our turn to take over the Gallivanter this week in Liam’s absence. Known as the Grannies, we are Brittany, Liam and Tyler’s Grandparents and Debbie’s parents, and we love to travel. In fact, we have visited 93 countries and have not finished travelling yet!

Our first overseas trip was approx. 45 years ago where we took our two girls to Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong and we caught the travel bug. Since this first trip we have travelled to all 7 continents and by every means of transport. From 5-star river cruising in Europe, to trekking the Annapurna Mountain range of Nepal, by camel safari in the Sahara, dog sledding in Iceland, and training across Mongolia on the Trans-Siberian railway.

We loved our homestay experience in Cuba and camping in yurts in Mongolia. The people were so friendly and despite language barriers, the locals were generous with what they had. In contrast, we really disliked New York and the rudeness we experienced there.

A couple of trips stand out for us: Egypt – in particular, the magnitude of the history is so hard to get your head around, Machu Picchu – the location of this village on top of the mountains in Peru and the Pyramids of the Moon in Mexico. We were not expecting Mexico to be so steeped in history. And witnessing the impressive statues of Easter Island and Xi’an Terracotta Warriors; incredible to know these are all man made.

Other trip memories maybe not so pleasant; being chased by a rhino in Nepal and hiding behind a tree, as if that would protect us from a charging adult rhino. On the same trip, freezing inside the tent in sub zero temperatures, not Barbara’s favourite trip.

Being left behind at sea in Bali. Surfacing after diving and not seeing any boats or land around as far as the eye can see is a bit disconcerting. Barbara raised the alarm when I didn’t return long after the return time had passed.

Barbara was not impressed with me bungy jumping off the bridge over the Zambezi River dividing Zambia and Zimbabwe. Well, if Debbie was letting Liam and Tyler jump then I should jump too! It probably didn’t help my confidence when the gent tying up my legs asked how old I was and called me silly!

Being adventurous, we try the local cuisine of the countries with some varied results. I cannot recommend scorpion from Thailand, betel nut from PNG, whale from Iceland or snake wine from China.

Whilst I do live to tell these tales, I am extremely fortunate to still be married to Barbara after some of these experiences, as clearly not all adventures have gone to plan.

Over our 60+ years of marriage, we have only ever travelled separately on two occasions, when Barbara, Debbie, Brittany and Emila all went to Disneyland for a four generation girls’ week, and when I walked the Kokoda track with Julie, Debbie’s sister.

We have hosted journeys for Debbie’s travel agency over the years, sharing adventures with travellers to Canada & Alaska, Northern Lights and Egypt, making lots of lifelong friends along the way.

As our goal is to reach 100 countries before we slow down too much, our next trip in July is experiencing the amazing Scenic Eclipse to the Arctic, Greenland and onto Poland. Why Poland? Because that means Liam won’t be the only family member with a pin on the map in Poland!!!

So, if you are counting, that will make 93 + 3 more in July totalling 96 countries. Barbara’s wish list is Cambodia and Laos and mine is to visit the Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan, making 99! Where should we go to celebrate the 100th country? – Ralph

Barbara & Ralph Douglas

Liam’s Grandparents and former Trip Hosts at Travel Associates 


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